To understand what you are, involves knowing what you are not. No one can say truthfully what you are, because you exist, and you fail to see the reality of existence because you accept that you are a body, Personality, Ego, Soul and God. But, because of the Illusion, all these factors are personalised and identified as separate parts of the consciousness process which is you.
You have a body, but it is more than just the flesh and bones as is generally accepted. You have a Personality that has little impact on your inner consciousness because it dwells in the Illusion. Your Ego directs and focuses Light to the Personality and body, and within Light is the consciousness of Life we call Self. Your body is governed by the same laws of Life as the Earth and the Universe, and not only shares in Nature but is part of Nature.
Being in the Moment of eternity, you can Be, and know who and what you are, and you are none of those illusory entities that cloud your consciousness. When humanity created the concept of the Soul, they had to create a spatial existence for it, so heaven came into existence. Human consciousness has reinforced this after-life existence in the attempt to give meaning to the human experience. Unfortunately, such concepts were born out of the Illusion, resulting in the loss of the reality of Being.
The problem is that everyone focuses on the manifested world, the Universe and the role of God, missing the energies and consciousness responsible for the manifestation of the Creation.
At one time it was fashionable for devotees to seek a state called Cosmic Consciousness. Organisations were formed that promised its members their teachings would result in having this experience, one that illuminated the seeker with the experience of seeing the oneness of the creation, and, in particular, the “laws” underlying the creation. The attainment was so difficult that the devotees were told to persist, because “CosmicConsciousness was but one thought away”. Other people experimented using LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs to experience out of the body experiences, often with dangerous results.
‘You cannot maintain an elevated state of consciousness and still consciously function in the Third-dimension. These experiences of higher consciousness can only be maintained for a short period, yet if it occurs in the Moment, that is more than a lifetime. Taking drugs and fasting dull the body’s senses and the world of reality, and the resulting experiences are disjointed and have little practical value in
understanding what you are, which involves knowing what you are not. No one can say truthfully what you are, because you exist, and you fail to see the reality of existence because you accept that you are a body, Personality, Ego, Soul and God. But, because of the Illusion, all these factors are personalised and identified as separate parts of the consciousness process which is you.
To know who and what you are involves experiencing consciousness first in this dimension, and that means stripping your Personality of all the false concepts taught in the Illusion. Once you are conscious of the actuality of this Dimension you will find your consciousness becomes aware of the Fourth-Dimension, and as with the present dimension, you will discover the actual existence of the Fourth Dimension and beyond. So begin where you are, and all else will open for you.’