
The world is not new and over generations, everything flows repeatedly and so we forget what has happened in the past because everything appears to be something different, whereas, because we live in time everything is experienced in a repetitive loop.

Our lives are controlled by the domination of a few people whom we call Astral entities because they serve the desires and wants of the Astral Lords. These entities infiltrate different areas of power within business and government as well as scientific research. They attempt to confuse and dominate the consciousness of humanity by creating fear, and through this fear dominates not only the physical well-being but also the mind and emotions.

The world population is nearing eight billion people and the process of brainwashing people’s minds through greater technology and communication is common. This is not new for in different ways over thousands of years it has been the way of keeping the mass of people controlled and living in ignorance of what their intentions are.

Everyone thinks things will get better and that someday a great teacher like Jesus will put things right. But there are no second chances and although Jesus’ influence is still accepted nothing ever changes,

Although there are moments when ‘people power makes changes where the state suppression is destroyed the results are limited because eventually, people fall asleep again and the remnants of the same dictators resurface under a different name after a few years the new order once more dominates and represses the freedom that the people sought to establish.

Such an event tends to reach a boiling point that lets out the steam of frustration and the future generations quickly forget and return to a life of lethargy.

All freedom comes from within where we have to continually question what the true reality of life in this world is. Freedom is not achievable in this world of ignorance and illusion. Religions rationalize that God requires that we have to suffer and learn from our sins, and our freedom rests in worshipping Him.

We all live out of the past and cannot break the chain that binds us to ignorance and fear, and this can only be broken by ending all attachments to the past and by learning to not continue to think through accepted concepts.

How does all this leave us as human beings, for all the old and new religions are unable to sustain our needs for inner sustenance and the so-called need to be saved. By following these beliefs, we are entering into a state of inner extinction.

Are we just fodder for those individuals consumed by the desire to murder and subdue humanity and the Earth is for personal wealth and power? They may well kill your body by manipulating law enforcement, however, they can never destroy the truth and consciousness that is your true nature and being, and it is only by realizing the power of Truth within that you deny their petty demands and evil where they are locked in the darkness of their ignorance and self-destruction.

As we begin to discover our true nature and being we become free from all the negative demands of the world knowing that it has no reality and is only an illusion created by us due to our acceptance of a world of ignorance and illusion.


  • whoops accidentally posted twice… again :)

  • So true… one example that always struck me, amongst many, many others, past and present, was how quickly Napolean re-established the monarchy in France, so soon after the French Revolution of 1789. We can be sure that Astral ‘brotherhood’ was somewhere nearby, manipulating the scenes from behind…

    Freedom is there for the ones whose eyes have been opened.

  • So true… one example that always struck me, amongst many, many others, past and present, was how quickly Napolean re-established the monarchy in France, so soon after the French Revolution of 1789. We can be sure that Astral ‘brotherhood’ was somewhere nearby, manipulating the scenes from behind…

    Freedom is there for the ones whose eyes have been opened.


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