The Quest for Inner Truth

    In a world saturated with transient pleasures and superficial engagements, there is a profound study known as the Transmissions. While it may be easily dismissed by those in search of quick gratifications, the teachings reveal the intricate dance of emotion and intellect and their endless waltz with personal experiences and societal impressions.

    A trap many fall into is the illusion of importance. Amplifying the voices that seek validation from the external world, they become tethered to the belief that louder voices mean stronger impact and recognition. Indeed, many individuals who make bold claims about societal issues assume a position of leadership. The title, especially the modern descriptor "scientist", is seen as a stamp of undeniable truth, whether discussing the intricacies of aquatic life or the quality of food.

    However, the pursuit of genuine spiritual enlightenment, of true inner freedom, demands a conscious effort to quiet these demanding voices of Personality. How do we mute these incessant calls for validation and societal worth? Is it possible to do so without being consumed by negativity or the weight of collective pain?

    Some choose isolation, believing that distancing themselves from societal distractions will bring clarity. But this method has its pitfalls. In limiting their interactions, they're still haunted by relentless inner voices, further compounded by resurfacing negative memories. This form of isolation can lead to reduced consciousness as there's no broader experience for comparison.

    The biblical figure, John, serves as a parable in this context. Living in wilderness, he prepared the way for the Messiah. But while John chose seclusion, the Messiah thrived in society without compromising his inner light. The message is clear: one doesn't need to physically isolate oneself to achieve inner clarity.

    It's a daunting challenge, moving past the relentless "I's" which feed illusions of self-worth. These voices instill fear, suggesting that the pursuit of deeper understanding might lead to a void. But there is no such emptiness; diving into our consciousness leads to a richer realm of existence, unattainable through mere sensory experiences.

    How, then, does one achieve this enlightenment without renouncing the world? The external world's knowledge cannot guide this internal journey. To truly understand and inhabit this inner realm, one must dissolve all external illusions.

    The next question arises: with newfound understanding, what should one do? Join a religious group? Offer healing? Write or speak? These are still external pursuits. The real externalization of one's inner nature is much simpler and yet infinitely harder: to love unconditionally. Love, as described here, isn't just an emotion; it's an action, a practice of acceptance, devoid of judgment.

    True transformation lies in introspection. Recognizing the repetitive nature of the "I's" is the first step to transcending them. It's essential to consciously choose thoughts, to decide the emotional path, and, most importantly, to cease being a passive observer of life. As one becomes more attuned to these inner dialogues, the power to change and choose positivity becomes evident.

    In conclusion, the journey to inner freedom isn't about isolation or external validations but about a genuine understanding of oneself and the conscious choice to embrace love and positivity. It's about recognizing the true power that resides within, waiting to be awakened.

1 comment

  • Great message…one of my favourite thoughts is “there is one thing left to be discovered.. the mystery of your own being”.
    At times I fall into that ego trap ‘you’re not doing anything’ mixing with active activists!
    This idea helps me counter that voice, yes I am doing something..working at going within and at times I can feel the overwhelming peace and joy that comes with letting go of illusionary goals.
    Many thanks,
    With Love Frances

    Frances Coghlan

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