Human Consciousness Then and Now


    Nothing in the universe is static; the same can be said about human consciousness. Unfortunately, as human body objects, we think consciousness is a static state that appears at birth and continues until death.

    Is that true? If we could travel back in time, how could our relationship with those people whom we contacted react? Would there be communication blockages relative to the different concepts present?

    A great change in religious concepts occurred in Persia in 2000 BC. From one man who challenged the belief in multiple gods to that of One God, he created a concept of there being one god that has lasted until now.

    In 2000BC a young priest aged 30 had a divine vision with the appearance of a supreme god who transcended all the old nature gods that preceded his birth. His name was Zoroaster he was born in Persia which is now Iran.

    In his vision, he saw a supreme being, Ahura Mazda, one God, and that began the beginning of the monotheistic concept that underlies all modern religions, The Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

    In 600 BC The Indian teacher Buddha through a process of enlightenment created a teaching that the ultimate state attained was reaching a state of Nirvana where the earthly consciousness was merged into a higher state of Oneness.

    In AD30 a teacher, Jesus, through his advanced understanding maintained the concept of One God being the source of our inner state of being calling it ‘the Father”. Jesus taught that the way to oneness was through the Father.

    In AD600 another Persian teacher, Mohammed came into the world the full cycle of the One God that began in Persia and ended there, Allah.

    Over the past 4000 years, human consciousness has changed opening new insights into the source that underlies the truth of what is beyond the outer manifestation of the universe outside all human concepts that underlies  truth of our being and consciousness,

    In the 21st Century, the consciousness of the past no longer needs outside gods. The past is just that, and the past does not influence what is now, There is nothing for us to learn from the past because of those people who lived within the consciousness available for them in time.

    With the change, there has to be destruction of all the ignorance and superstition of the past, for only through destruction can something new appear.

    When the moment of understanding of now emerges, this will not be the coming of a teacher or prophet, but a direct source of knowledge and understanding of consciousness from the inner source of Being.

    Without any great visions or miracles, humanity now seeks to reach into the inner nature of the Absolute Oneness that we are in consciousness. Through the Light of Awareness, as an individual, the opening of the Eternal Moment of the one source of all Light that is the Truth of what we are ever present in the Eternal Now is revealed.

    Zadore’s Transmissions reveals that understanding and transformation in Light that all past events are irrelevant because through personal involvement we become one in the truth of now, and that heralds the opening of the new consciousness of Being where the old is destroyed and there is the opening of the new beginning toward the oneness of the whole.

    Through change, there is the end of all suffering of what once was, and those who heed the call can be likened to the Phoenix rising from the ashes and reborn in the new consciousness.  Others who are unprepared will reach out to others for help to be saved, but the door is closed for they did not heed the call.

    Over the years humanity never listened to what the teachers revealed, distorting the truth and fostering ignorance and illusion lulling them into a false sense of security, where it is easy to suffer day after day, ignorant of the changes occurring that gradually destroy the past where the universe merges into the oneness of the Absolute Awareness.


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